Monday, February 18, 2008

Sherby Dirty City. take two.

Back flip Kid. The only thing that kid wanted to do was some backflips. He didn't stop asking us to backflip off our 7.5 feet starter.
He even back flipped of the top of a random car. All the kids told us he jumped from the 3 story high school you see in the back. ''Je fais du Wamakasi, ya pas de problème"
Infamous, dropping it switch. His switch five-o shot's comming in real soon.
El bino, smooth sailling it.
René's brother Léo taking his skate skills to his snowboard. Five-o.
Too bad Js couldn't make it to sherbrooke this weekend. School Exams are comming in, and fast! Props man. So Cal is just around the corner!

1 comment:

Jean-Simon Beaudry said...

Yaaaaa mais ton white balance est off sur toutes les photos. Avec toshop tu peux faire auto levels, auto colors pis ça devrait donner un meilleur résultat. Avec ton mac j'pense qu'il faut que tu fasses pomme - cerise - banane - crême fouettée