Thursday, December 25, 2008


Après avoir vue une bonne débarque de LV, on ne peut que repenser a la plus grande singerie faite par celui-ci, soit le fameux gap UPA aka ULTRA POWDERED ATHLETE.

Sweet memories.
Lv in action scene 2.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Flat 2 drop.

Nic Zik secret spot Flat to drop.

Les productions Lv, board slide attemp.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Recycle It Blog Roll.

Just to inform you that the Recycle It Snowboard Contest will be hold on the 17th of January 2009 in Longueuil, Québec, Canada.
It's a rail contest (Jam Format) that will include 3 different obstacles and the snowboarders will be riding for a total cash prize of 10 000$.

First place : 7000$
Second place : 1500$
Third place : 500$
And two best trick : 500$ each.

For any informations or inscriptions visit the

Hope to see you and your riders on the 17th of January 2009 For the Recycle It Snowboard Contest.

Thank you for your attention,

Julien Levesque and the Recycle It team.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Taxi's Holdem

L'hiver est bel et bien installé chez nos voisins du nord. Saint-Sauveur est ensouvli sous plusieurs cm de neige ce qui nous a permis de descendre notre première piste de fresh de l'année! On a shredder le parcours du taxis toute la journée, pour séder la place en final a en autre, aux talentueux Guillaume Marquis et Alex Sarrazin. Quant à The Infamous '' Nic Zik'', il était préqualifié, ce qui lui a permis de nous montrer tout son talent ( dans un stance de 12 pouces ) sous les feux de l'action!

RP de était sur place, et à su prendre 2 minutes pour nous immortaliser sur place

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sorry Folks.

Tout d'abord, désolé pour cette longue absence sans uptades.
Ceci dit, winter is back! The infamous Nic Zik, maintenant stash less, revient tout juste de rider Tremblant par un -12 et je le cite :" C'était chaud men". De notre coté, Lv, Nova Love, Fred Lacroix et moi sont allez zigzager les pentes abruptes ainsi que glacées de Bromont. Pour y être allez toute la fin de semaine, il y a toute fois de quoi ce faire bcp de plaisir. Ayant été plus qu'occupé dans les dernieres semaines, je n'ai pas eu le temps de concocté quoi que ce soit de nouveau. Par contre, Shredb est en plein montage video de ses shot hivernales 2008 alors stay tune pour le court metrage. Pour le moment, quelques shots du nouveau poulain Ultimate

Untitled from julien lauzon on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Winter montage.

Cet excellent montage signé Ben Lachance, ma toute suite fait dire quelque chose, "caline que le snowvboard ca d'lair fun"!

07-08 Winter Montage from Benjamin Lachance on Vimeo.

Excited to shred again,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

7h au rack a bécycle.

-Hey ju, 7 heure au rack a bécycle!
-Hen quoi?
-Ouais pointe toi ca va brasser!
-Cool, see you there.

Apres c'est quelque mots au cellulaire, plusieurs pelletées de neiges souillée et bien entendu, apres quelque pabs bien méritées on a décidé de sortir la cam question de shredder un peu devant la lentille. Malheureusement le gros de l'action reste gravée dans notre mémoire, mais voici la fin de la session avant que notre géné, meurt!


Untitled from julien lauzon on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

La saison de snowboard est à nos portes, et certains des membres de shredb ont décidé de rider ce petit course de debut de saison question de se rechauffer les jambes!
Peep the blog, its taking life again!

Untitled from julien lauzon on Vimeo

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Better days?

L'été fut dure pour certains d'entre nous. Des bashs tard le soir, au punch-in tôt le matin à la job, ils nous aurraient fallut des journées de 48 heures. Faute de temps, Charlow essaye ici de faire du skate avec ses lunetttes en pleine nuit, tout en dormant munit de son casque dans son auto.

Great time! heard house party's where the new supperclub lol!.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Nik Zik 2008 footage

Here's some footage of the Infamous Cryptwalker.

Untitled from Jean-Simon Beaudry on Vimeo

Credits: Ben

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Recycle it/

L'été se fait sentir tard en août et l'on profite des dernières journée chaudes. Par contre, les démarches vont bon train afin de revoir une nouvelle édition haute en couleurs du Recycle It cet hiver.

Julien en plein brainstorming de set-up.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wake to wake.

L'été tire déjà à sa fin, mais le lac est toujours aussi chaud. L'Huricain season est sous le point de commencer et plusieurs des gars de shredb regardent de plus en plus se qui ce mijote dans l'Atlantique. En attendant le prochain bon swell, ont se degourdi les jambes dans les eaux du Memphré sur le bateau ,aux couleurs du CH, de Wake to WaKE.

Jay Viens in action.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

Whats going on with ShredB!

Summer rays are in full effect and we don't hear as much about Britney Spears. Let's see what's going on with ShredB

eL Bino and eL Renato have been surfing rollers in Bali for a couple of weeks now

Charlow is working so much he decided to skip sleeping to fit everything he has to do in his schedule.
Juliano is hauling himself around in a cow painted car. Watch out for him on the highway as he is probably eating a greasy taco, taking on the phone with "el bo pèèèrrre", grillin' one and spanking a monkey.
Infamous Nik Zik is back from Whistler and now work at a supermarket, or is it a warehouse? we don't really know but there is no indians nearby for sure!! He also moved to a much more secure neighbourhood in Chambly, where he sure won't find a mean indian while walking the dog!
Alex Lopes is hunting beef in Spain. We heard he actually have fun abroad, but that is just a rumor.
As for myself, I don't do much except trying to look busy find a job so mom don't kick me out and write shitty ass stuff on ShredB.

Stay tuned for more apeshit!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Late seasson hating.

Probably one of Qc's biggest hater asked me if he could take my camera for a ride in bromont. I putted the footage together and there it goes :

Untitled from julien lauzon on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Motion Design 1.0

By the time I had my hands on the new After Effect CS3 I followed my first tutorial ever of Motion Design. It's not a winning Oscar type of project, but it's ok to learn few aspects of that program.

Untitled from julien lauzon on Vimeo.

Monday, May 5, 2008

So WHAT is Brothers Factory Cooking?

Boys from all over Quebec but mainly from the Brothers Factory reunited this year to make probably everyone of the snowboard industry say WHAT! while looking at their new production name for the occasion, WHAT./ Man, they're back!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Every winter comes to a end.

On a recommencé difficilement à rouler sur nos planches. Les montagnes ferment aussi rapidement que nos examens arrivent et on se demande à quand les prochaines vagues. L'été c'est finalement installée, reste à voir si nous on va rester. Certains rêves au pentes eneigées de Whistler, tandis que moi, je pense au surf.

On s'était dit qu'un jour on serait grand. Maintenant qu'on l'est, adieu les congés. Faut travailler pour s'amuser.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Skateboarding and surf seasons have returned

The snow is melting, final exams are coming effin' fast and best of all: skateboarding and surf seasons are back! According to J. Lau and Caza habitat isn't too crowded yet, the hipster find the water a lil' frisky.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Riding with scissors

Ju LV nearly lost his virginity to this pole

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Shakedown 2008

Anto C. takes 3rd at 2008 Shakedown with a FS 900 to cab 270 locked frontboard after finishing second in the amateur qualification. Big up Ju LV for spinning huge bs1080s during the qualif.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Julien de France

Ju LV is back from France and in full effect!
Scoping for needles in a sketchy landing in a sketchy neighbourhood.

Julien cruising a five-0 through this mellow down rail

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jay Neil photo

We met Jay Neil at Bromont. The guy has mad photo skills visit his blog at:

Monday, March 24, 2008

Julien: duck, dive, lose your hat

Julien get good pictures as much as kovy scores goals

Friday, March 21, 2008

Past Few days..

Les jours passent. Nos maux de dos, aux genoux, aux chevilles eux s'accrochent. On boit un bierre, puis deux. On se retrouve à rimouski, mais il y a quelques heures ont était toujours au bar. On est revenu. Puis nous voilà repartit pour Sherbrooke. On ne film toujours pas. On n'est plus ébloui par les flash de J. Pourtant tout le monde, garde le sourrire, On sort les Lunettes et le Ipod et on pense qu'au fond, c'est le printemps.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Video from California

Here's a quick edit of some footy we gathered in California! Thx to eL Bino para su trabaja!
Follow the link, lay back and enjoy!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Back from California

We're back! stay tuned for videos and pictures to soon be posted on the blog.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Live from Big Bear Lake

We're currently at the Big Bear library. Except for a missed connection flight in Toronto leading to a 12 hours delay, everything is going fine!
Mammoth was epic and Big Bear is so HAWT right now. Stay tuned for more updates!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hit the road Jack.

Charlow and Js Left on Saturday for So Cal. They will be hitting Bear of course, but also the big boothers of Mamooth. Keep an eye on the blog to see upcomming footage and pictures of their trip.
Here's a picture of last year roadtrip Macko and me did. The infamous route to Sin City, Las Vegas. Good Times..

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bino last night.

All winter Ju Lv wanted us to hit this ledge. Last night we did. It wasn't a very long session because we ran out of gaz for the generator and i think my knees were not that sad about it. Seams we have been gaping thing for the past few THE INFAMMOUS Nic Zic would say, Big Things Poppin!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


He has mad steez, a cool attitude and last but not last least, he is from Repentigny!

Tribute to M.J.

Julien's favorite Michael Jackson song is is Human Nature, mine is Billy Jean, Charlow's is Beat It. Whats yours?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Beautiful Weekend. Not that many tricks.

Friday Night Jay Jay called me. He was pumped on comming to town on Saturday to hit a few rails. Macko, JuLV as well as Jay#2( Jay's friend) teamed with us for this beautiful saturday of jib in Montreal. We were suppose to quit my house at 10 30 in the morning but we were waiting for someone. Nah, it wasn't Macko, witch is by the way, a surprise! Julien was taking it easy at his girlfriend's house! So we quit about an hour late. And as we say in french '' Une image vaut mille mots'':

Friday, February 22, 2008

More money, means more dough to blow.

Thursday was cold as F*&?, but I couldn't stand inside looking at that blue bird sky. I don't know if you guys remember but it rained a lot Monday so all the stops around my house were covered with ice. I decided to go hit this new ghetto spot for fun. I don't know if it was because of the ghettonest ( is that a word ) of the spot or because I recently look at the tech9 new teaser named Familia but i was stocked on putting this Rick Ross track in the footage.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New rail.

Ok, at first sight, this rail doesn't seam that hard at all, but you know what we say about first impressions!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Rail

Two truths, one lie... or two lies, one truth?
1. Julien collects hair pieces he cut from random girls in the metro.
2. Julien's mom is a member of Harvard's alumi.
3. Julien is hispanic
Can you find it out?

On another hand, there is no doubt that Julien casually coasted this newly found rail in a smooth nosepress.

Un rail en bois ca cut.

Heres a breaf description of the session by Infamous with also a few B shots.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sherby Dirty City. take two.

Back flip Kid. The only thing that kid wanted to do was some backflips. He didn't stop asking us to backflip off our 7.5 feet starter.
He even back flipped of the top of a random car. All the kids told us he jumped from the 3 story high school you see in the back. ''Je fais du Wamakasi, ya pas de problème"
Infamous, dropping it switch. His switch five-o shot's comming in real soon.
El bino, smooth sailling it.
René's brother Léo taking his skate skills to his snowboard. Five-o.
Too bad Js couldn't make it to sherbrooke this weekend. School Exams are comming in, and fast! Props man. So Cal is just around the corner!

JS and Charley: Breaking pitchers

My self and Charles at Bromont 2 weeks ago.
We're both leaving for Cali on the 29th, should be fun!

Sherby Dirty City.

This weekend, we headed toward Sherbrooke to jib a few rails. It wasn't a very productive two days... We took as much as good bails that I drank beers on Friday...way to much.

Peep the blog for some updates of our small ''séjour'' in sherbrooke.

The infamous ''Nic Saint Rock' looking for indians in sherby. Dude, that guy is scared!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hamburger, patates, breuvage : 4.85$

Our wallet are not as full as they were. Grabbing lunch in longueuil at Vincent's.
Longueuil Beach man!

Friday, February 8, 2008

After noon shred

Juliano gettin' ready to hit that brand new rail we just found!

Julien loves his faded purple shirt. Please, somebody, give him a new shirt he can put on before my eyes start bleeding again.

Tomorrow: Playa del Jibo in Magog, don't miss it or you are not gonna be there!

Int'l Stars at the stadium

Standard crew was in Mtl last week end for their show on Fuel TV.
Tim Burton showing us how the Big Bear riders do!

Julien Lauzon attemps to destroy both his knees on this uncommon feature.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sherby Fun.

Renato & The Macko having fun while filming in Magog.
Good Times.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Shredb rider: Rene Caza

Birth year: 1988 Home : Magog Beach and Qc
Resort: Orford
Sponsors: Apo snowboards, Base energy drink, Adre Boardshop.
Shred B's for me: kind of an exciting crew to ride with
You’ve be filming with: all the Squirrel prod, Juliano, Macko and JS , Anto, Fred and my bro
Favorite spot: Cox Bay, Creekside Bowl, Sherbrooke street scene, where ever we need road tripping to get to it
Props: to the crew, ''l'eccureuil'' prod, my girl and friends

Get down on it.

This Kool and the Gang song inspired me to put together a funny footage. Here's the work :

Friday, February 1, 2008

Ciseau by Nick Zik

Again, we traveled a long way to get to this rail. Once we get there, we unpacked the starter, the spot light, the shovel and the 5000watt industrial generator to realise we had no extansion cords. The store were closed so we had shitty lighting.

Nick Zik

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Young Sim going doggy

After getting kicked out from two spots we headed toward a sure shot; this mellow metal box.
Sim laying on all four.

Friday, January 25, 2008


This morning I woke up swearing i would never go to sleep again at 4 in the morning to be up 3 hours later. After a 45 minutes drive, two eggs and 4 bacon strips I finally went up with Charles, Devine and The totally infamous Nic Zic to meet with the rest of ShredB. They had been sessionning Bromont step up for at least 2 hours and they were killing "hit". Here's a few shots.Ha yeah, Look after the Xsnowterra show sometime in february.

Monday, January 21, 2008

ShredB's future

The shredb collective has one big new project in the making. Hence, the updates are gonna be a little slow for another week or so.
Keep visting to see what's coming up!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Recycle It! Photos and results

1. Frank April
2. Guillaume Beaudoin
3. Antonin Chamberland
4. Nicolas St-Pierre
5. Nicolas Brunette

The guys totally killed it under the shinning sun!

Kevin Dupont
L-P from Brown Town
P-O Houde
The infamous hiphop Nick Zick
Eric Lamothe, bs 1 in cab 3 out with a whole lot of flavour!
Antonin Chamberland, bs5 over the recycle bin
Ju LV gettin' interviewed for RDS
The skaters gave quite a good show

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Recycle It V.1 is now over!

I am the most tired man on earth, 3 hours of sleep in 56 hours. Going to bed as of now. More photos in two days; when I finaly recover!
Macko on the microphone.

The set up; up H-Beam, two conseitve jersey and the bell a.k.a. "carton"

P-O Houde fs board

Anto the firemen, backside 5 over the bell